Exhibitors are welcome to attend NANOWIRE WEEK 2022!
You are kindly invited to participate.
NANOWIRE WEEK 2022 welcomes projects, startups, companies and other institutions willing to gain visibility by renting an exhibition stand or sponsoring the conference.
The Exhibition Space will be located in the Congress Centre, next to the plenary meeting room.
During the 5 days of the conference, and particularly during breaks and poster sessions, companies will have the opportunity to introduce and promote their products and services in the fields of material growth (MBE, MOVPE, CVD…), precursors, substrates, imaging (TEM, SEM), characterization or simulation. Furthermore, the scientific discussion should be a source of inspiration for exhibitors, who will get acquainted with the emerging trends that point to future products and customers.
NEW: To promote synergy between industry and academic researchers , we propose sessions consisting of 5 min lectures by exhibitors in the plenary meeting room.
The following link give access to mandatory pre-registration form.
For any questions, please contact: Yann GENUIST